VOrskins is a beauty e-commerce where you can get all the ingridients that nourish your skin, inside and out. At VOrskins, you can find local brands that are selling vegan, cruelty-free, and use non-toxic ingridients. We use the best ingridients to provide the best quality product and have been clinically tested.

So far, we have launch two types of products, skin care and body care. The function of skin care is to take care of your facial skin so it become healthy and beautiful. In general, body care is the same as skin care, but it s for body skin, not facial skin.


To become a company that can benefit customers and society in the cosmetic sector by providing quality products and continously developing over time.


  • Providing quality and tested product
  • Continue to develop products and innovate by following the trend and customers need of daily skin care and body care
  • Creating positive vibes within the company so that employee and customer can be satisfied and loyal


VOrskins was established since 26 Mei 2022 by Nuky and Christofer. The establishment of VOrskins is based on the lack of skin care and body care products that use vegan (plant-drived), cruelty-free, and non-toxic ingridients.

Starting from producing skin care products, then starting to grow and producing body care product too. VOrskins always prioritizes quality over quantity. Because, poor quality cosmetic products can give negative effect to your skin. In addition to quality, our products are also clinically tested befor being sold to the market, so that out product are proven to have no side effects to your skin.